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Tutor Search > Search Results > Angie
Angie -- Reviews

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By: Lev
Review Date: Sep 21, 2018
Tutor Rating:
Disappointing, as I sent Angie an email, but didn't get either a positive or a negative answer. Problems with customer service.
Joshua Chew
By: Joshua Chew
Review Date: May 19, 2014
Tutor Rating:
I've had many tutors for math since the 8th grade, and out of all of them, I feel that Angela is the best when it comes to tutoring.

To start, she is just an extremely nice person, and easy to get along with. Throughout the two years of tutoring she has done for me, not once has she made me feel uncomfortable or pressured to understand quickly like other tutors do. Instead, she tries to help you understand through examples and concepts. For example, back when I first started Functions, there was a question in particular that I had a lot of trouble with (A 3D box), and I simply did not understand how to solve it. Instead of just repeating the steps to solving it like other tutors would, she actually made a box out of paper to help explain how and why the steps came to be. This was one of the many times that her excellent teaching skills helped me learn new concepts that I did not understand in class. On top of how well she teaches, she also knows the struggles of students based on her own experiences. She knows what students usually struggle in, and uses practice questions to allow you to try out what you learned yourself, and takes it up with you to ensure that you know what you were doing. Not only that, but she also uses difficult questions to help prepare you for any type of question you may find on a test, which I found very useful every time she helped me review.

Aside from simply her tutoring abilities, she also helps in many other ways. She cares about who she's teaching, and tries to help them succeed in both school and life. I am currently in the twelve grade, and ever since the beginning of it, shes been going out of her way to help me find career options and universities to apply to. Keep in mind, this was out of her own spare time. Without her help, I probably would have had to search and apply to schools all by myself without knowing much about these schools. This was just one of the many ways that she tries to help you out, she also helped me with preparing for Waterloo's Euclid math contest (In which, she actually got me a prep book with her own money). These acts are examples of how kind she is to her students, and how she doesn't see them as money to be made, but as people who she enjoys helping.

To sum up (TLDR), I highly recommend Angela to any student who needs assistance in math. My usual grade in math was not very good throughout my high school years. Before she started tutoring me, I was getting high-60s at best. After the first year that she taught me, I went all the way up to mid-80s. She is very interactive with her students and understands that it is difficult to learn new things, and tries to make it easier on you.

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